Saturday, November 3, 2012


Last night Chris and I went to dinner with my parents. My mom gave me a book she bought me. I'm really looking forward to reading it. I really plan on raising this baby as naturally as possible including cloth diapering, breastfeeding and baby wearing.

This morning I had my blood drawn. The Dr decided to do betas and progesterone instead of just a yes/no test because yesterday I was having really bad cramping. I am feeling better today though. I will get my results Monday.

The rest of the weekend I'm going to try to finish everything I have left for the rest of the semester. I'm feeling pretty good right now so I want to get as much done now as I can incase I'm not feeling well later. Only have 5 weeks left til Christmas break!


  1. Good plan on getting ahead before Christmas! I'm sure hoping cloth diapers work out for us - let us know about your stash once you start collecting them!

  2. First of all FX for a great draw!

    But even more, I love that you're planning on doing the most natural methods for raising your child!! I'm KIND of granola in that sense... I like the idea of cloth diapers and stuff! Can't wait to hear what you think about the book. I expect a full book report, lady. It's due 11/10/12 (the date is arbitrary if for no other reason than I'm curious and want to know what your thoughts are!)

  3. Cloth diapering is wonderful in my opinion. Great for the environment and I have already saved money and it's only been three months! Not to mention it isn't that big of a commitment because we do laundry often anyways so throwing in an extra load every other day isn't a huge deal right?! { or less depending on how many diapers you have }Have you thought about cloth wipes? I also use these and love them :)

    again congrats can't wait to hear more:)

    1. I've thought about cloth wipes, but I'm not 100% committed to the them yet. Did you make your own or did you buy them? I'd love to hear about your wipes!

  4. glad you're feeling better! I've been thinking about you and sending happy vibes : )
