Monday, November 26, 2012

We have a baby!

I know I'm late on my weekly bump updates. I will do 7&8 on Wednesday. I did take a picture last week at least.

I had my first ultrasound today! I was so nervous. I couldn't stop shaking and the nurse was shocked at how fast my heart could beat. I had nothing to worry about tho! A perfect little baby is chillin in my ute. It had a heartbeat of 154 and measured 7 weeks 5 days. Perfect! I really like the doctor I went to and am going to be transferring for sure to her. I have to call and get all of my information switched tomorrow. There isn't anything wrong with my old Dr but this Dr is closer and I just really liked her. She is going to look at all of my miscarriage information and my D&C pathology and make sure there aren't any extra meds I need to be on. She seems very proactive and I like that.

Here is baby and the yolk sac. Woo!


  1. I'm smiling SO big for you! Congratulations!!!

  2. Omg omg! SQUEE!! I love these pics :)

  3. Congratulations! So very happy for you all!

  4. I am sooo sorry I'm so late to this! I completely missed you BFP!! I am so sorry again! I'm so excited for you! This is amazeballs! FX for a continued healthy and happy pregnancy!

  5. aww what a lovely first photo :) I can tell your little one is already very cute!

  6. This is the one yolk I enjoy -court
