Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hump Day Bump Day Weeks 7&8

Week: 8

How Big is Baby: Baby is the size of a raspberry! The Bump says " Now she weighs in (yay!) at about .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches. This week, she's growing about a milimeter each day. You can't feel it yet, but she's moving those arms and legs like crazy! Her fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and her tail (yes, she had one) is gone. Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming."

Weight Gain: It fluctuates every day, but I'm pretty much still the same weight as before, maybe up 1/2 a pound.

Gender: Chris thinks it's a boy, and I think it's a girl.

Names: We have names and I thought we were 100%, but now we aren't exactly sure. We won't be sharing until the baby is born tho.

Symptoms: They change everyday. I'm nauseous pretty much everyday, tired, sore boobs, some cramping, headaches.

Sleep: I've been sleeping really good, probably because I'm really tired.

Movement: too early for that, but I can't wait!

Maternity Clothes: My jeans still fit but they are getting tighter. I'd rather wear yoga pants or leggings any chance I can get.

Food Cravings: Not really anything this week.

Food Aversions: Pretty much everything. I'm never in the mood for anything and the thought of eating makes me sick, but as soon as I eat I feel better.

Stretchmarks: not yet.

What I'm Looking Forward To: looking pregnant and not like I've ate way too much.

What I Miss: nothing.

Next Drs Appointment: December 24th!

Best Moment of the Week: The u/s yesterday for sure. It was amazing.

Here are bump pics from last week and this week. Last week was the polka dotted top.


  1. You look great! I love that polka dot cardigan.

  2. Yay :) I love that you get to have your next appt on Christmas Eve too :)

  3. You are so cute! Love this! Keep growing baby!!!

  4. yayyy! i'm sticking to the babes being a girl!

  5. I am thinking...hmmm...maybe I will wait until you find out to post my guess. he he!

  6. It's a girl and she has big fat cheeks and I love her -court
