He had his first Dr appt Friday and he's doing wonderfully. He weighed 7lb 6oz when he was born and left the hospital at 6lb 12 oz on Tuesday. Friday at his appt he was 7lb 2oz. In 4 days he gained 6oz! I wasn't too surprised though because he eats constantly.
Breastfeeding is going well. It's pretty stressful at night bc he isn't a very efficient eater. A nursing session usually takes an hour and then he'll sleep an hour and then he'll want to eat again. The past couple days he has been sleeping a little longer at night. We've had a couple two hour stretches and I'm confident that it'll keep getting better as time goes on.
We had his newborn pictures taken yesterday. I think they went OK. He was awake for most of the four hour session so it was hard for her to pose him. He is such an alert baby and really doesn't sleep as much as other newborns. He doesn't cry hardly ever though so I don't mind that he's always awake. I love seeing his big eyes. They are pretty much brown now, which we figured they would be since chris has dark brown eyes.
He also lost his cord sometime Sunday night! He has the cutest little belly button! Now we are just waiting for his plastibell from his circ to fall off and then we can start giving real baths instead of sponge baths. He hates the sponge baths so I'm hoping he'll like being in the water better.
I have a Dr appt on Saturday to look at my incision. It seems to be healing well. I feel pretty good. There is one spot that hurts pretty bad, but looks fine, so I'm wondering if something happened to an internal stitch. I'm just trying to do a little less until it feels better. It's hard for me to just sit though. I really want to go on walks. I took oliver on a walk around the block Thursday and that's when the pain really started so I've decided to just chill for a little bit.
Overall though, everything is going really well and we feel so blessed to have such an amazing little man.
Oooo and we've been using cloth diapers for about a week and are loving them! Chris and I both like them a lot more than disposable. They are so easy and really keep the poop contained and off his butt. The poop just like sticks to the diaper. I wash a load of cloth diapers every other day. No big deal. Easy peasy.
July 9
Going home from the hospital!!
First day home
July 11
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
Omg loooooove!!!! He is the cutest little dude!
ReplyDeleteHe is so stinkin' cute!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! First of all, he is adorable! What a precious gift :) Second of all, I just read your birth story and I seriously am in pain just from READING it! We had a lot of similarities!
ReplyDeleteI also had back labor, my sugar was high and I needed an insulin drip, my Epi wore off an hour before I pushed...Jonah decided to come without a C-section, though there was talk of one while I was pushing.
I can't imagine the pain you must have been in. Isn't it crazy what we go through to bring a life into this world? It's utterly amazing! Good job, Mama!
aww Bridgette! He melts my heart! I'm so glad to hear everything is going well! I wish I could come over and kiss those sweet cheeks! ; )
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness he is SO CUTE!! :) I'm glad after everything you went through it sounds like things are overall going really well. Thanks for sharing! I'm always so curious what its like just after bringing them home!
ReplyDeleteAWWW he is such a sweetie! It sounds like we have similar little ones :) Norah was a slow eater and very alert/awake { did not sleep a single wink during her newborn photoshoot because she was staring at the photographer lol! } Glad to hear you are feeling good and hopefully the area with the pain will be better soon!
ReplyDeletelove it! he is just precious! remember i told you that one day you would have this... and now you do!! God is good!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute. I love his hair so much!
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding was like that for us, I don't think I had a nursing session that lasted less than 40 minutes in the first few months after having Eloise. So worth it though because we're still breastfeeding and even though it was so hard I just love that time we have [even though she has recently developed a habit of scratching me so much she's breaking skin.]
That cow cloth diaper is to die for. I'm glad you're liking cloth. Are you using coconut oil? I swear that's why Eloise is still freakishly soft and her booty is always fresh.